Sunday, April 9, 2017

DIY Laundry Detergent

There are hundreds of DIY Laundry Detergent online...Which one should I do?  I researched and read many blogs and Pinterest posts. I wanted something that leans more to natural and economical. In most of the How to's, they added Purex Crystals for scent. I omitted this and made myself a bottle of Epsom salt with Baking Soda and Essential Oil. I used Lavender and a few drops of Peppermint. I sprinkle this in the washer.

Now for the detergent. I shopped in Walmart and spent around $20 for my materials. I mixed them (my hubby) in a repurposed cat litter pail. We did not dump everything at the same time, we put about a cup of each and mix, mix and mix with a huge wooden paddle. After thoroughly mixed, I got a jar from some fruit preserve and pour in some of the powder detergent. I put in drops of lavender essential oil and a few drops of lemongrass. Shake, shake, shake the jar. You can adjust the essential oil according to how much you want it to smell. I added about 20 drops.

Now to put into test! My first load was dog towels. They were dirty. It came out clean....really clean and mildly scented. I am totally satisfied. Second load, hubby's jeans and work clothes... came out clean and fresh! Am now really happy. Best part is you only use 2 TABLESPOONS. I added an extra tablespoon for heavy grimy dirty load. This batch is expected to last for a year. I shall keep you posted. I do a lot of laundry.

20 Mules Borax
Baking Soda
Zote Flakes or 2 bars of grated Zote or Fels Naptha soap
Washing Soda
Essential Oil

Plant Therapy Essential Oils

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